Water in Australia for the next
100 years securely?
A dynamic solution of
Eric Hoyer.
Alternatives of water supply for Australia for approx. 100 years and more which minimise a
long-term water backup and their costs. http://australian-watersolutions-pn.com
My reply a plan him obviously was rejected this at that time lasted approx.
5 years ago to the public
reached, which I did not know, however.
Such projects because this only with later ones grow to the population in
Australia in 40 years and not now financially and in the need passes and then only topically with increase of the climate change only urgently makes.
An optimisation is later slightly removable with my proposal. Because lines quite exist and a protection of the missing quantities of water is sustainable thus for Australia. Thus the protection of the drinking water provisioning and he is an agriculture and industry which can be an investment and a measure of the future.
Reply of a proposal from the mountains in Papua New Guinea by Mr. Ariel.
In the proposal of Mr. Ariel, is with the acceptances is evident too high what are put on the support in water from this region in the mountains by Papua New Guinea would justify, are not technical financially
If we accept sometimes, the management with a diameter of 0.6 m,
- what develops, however, in use application in mountain regions as difficult because these fixtures considerable with the pressure must have in the reason. The difficult transfer of the pipes and foundations for fixtures in the area - very expensive makes.
The profitability is doubtful through this from verse. To other reasons:
1. Transfer of water pipes and their costs in the mountains and inaccessible regions there on top up to the sea side to Australia raises the price of such a project about min. 700 millions Aus.-Dollar.
2. The given figures comparably with 8,000 Olympic Olympic-Basins (2.5 million litres) is given in the plan by Mr. Ariel, cannot be right because the withdrawal places of these amounts of water possibly demonstrate not feasibly
3. The pressure ratios are necessary to the maintenance of the amounts of river water, must be realised this moveable to below. Even by a slope this will not be moveable because a line becomes realizable down with slope. One On and From in such area is normal, or is connected with high costs and through this a pressure loss exists.
4. In the given withdrawal area not only pure quantities of water exist, because in the regions there on top in the mountains very often heavy rainfall comes down. This needs the protection of the withdrawal places and certain filtering, because, otherwise, the pipe inside wear is very high and thus the pipes can have only one shortened state time of from 10 to 15 years. With the high pressure ratio, by too high slope it originates there and should be worked with those are to be expected of wide damages.
5. There is, e.g., another effective and substantially cheaper alternative I under http://australian-watersolutions-pn.com/has compiled and has suggested. This is for approx. one year on the Internet and is optimised constantly. It intends, a river water withdrawal for the time being of the rivers May Kussa and Wassi on PGN in the Gulf of Carpenatria with a transfer of 1-3 conduits to Australia. Is only 180 km long, and can be realised with Verlegeschiff in one month, the depth to Australia is there only 12 - approx. 58 m. (Verlegegeschwindigkeit) Pipe- transfer-ship of Daily 7 kilometres are optimally to be reached with the biggest Pipe transfer ship. The other transfer is with binding to available lines in Australia and new to the water pipe system after certain processing are passed on. Further the storage is to be included from there in intended dams and to hold this mainly on high level. In particular a Verrieselung on suitable grounds is also to be included, however, this only makes sense if this is differently not better. With the last variation it is with about the unusual high vaporisation of water in Australia. This is so high in hot regions in Australia that the amount in precipitation exceeds almost these fallen ones on average of the years.
6. I ask the government of Australia, for one furthering of my proposal 5., in short form of demonstrated proposal, to follow and to tune possibly for this and these other Erforschungen of the river system from May Kussa and Wassi on PNG and with it linked plannings.
Yours sincerely
Eric Hoyer
(26.11.2015, 12.08.2020)
Hier historische Wassertiefen des Mai Kussa
Anmerkung zu Mai Kussa Fluss
Hier sind noch weitere alte historische Angaben zu Mai Kussa und Wassi Fluss :
(1 fm = 2 yd = 6 ft = 72 in = 182,88 cm = 1,8288 m)
nach Mac Farlane und andere Forscher ist der Mai Kussa in seiner Mündung ca. 13 Faden tief, 1 Faden
1,8288 m; dies bedeutet - es ist keine Angabe zu welcher Jahreszeit usw. dies gemessen wurde -
ist der Mai Kussa in der Mündung ca. 23.75 m tief. - ich habe aber in meinen Berechnungen nur 5 Meter
angenommen - da keine Angaben ermittelbar waren für unsere Zeit im Jahr 2017, dies wäre zu
berücksichtigen, abgesehen von der Fließgeschwindigkeit des Mai Kussa. Somit können weit höhere
Ergnisse an Wasser aus dem Mai Kussa angenommen werden. Da mir bekannt war das Gefälle des
Mai Kusse ist nicht hoch und mit weiten ebenen Fläche des Stromverlaufes vorhanden sind habe ich
eine geringe Fließgeschwindigkeit angenommen.
Der Mai Kusse ist an der Stelle wo er sich mit dem Wassi oben verbindet ca. 300 Meter breit und
ca. 6 Faden tief = 10,97 m tief. (Dort auf Seite 266, sind diese historischen Angaben gemacht worden.)
Eric Hoyer
- 12.08.2020 -